Why Vaping Marijuana is better than smoking it

The potential of vaporizers and their future

The tagline for Asa Joint is “find your own light,” which is mostly meant to be a thought provoking expression. However, one of the ways of interpreting it is that there is an alternative, and better way to enjoy your favorite strains of cannabis. Cannabis is one of the most versatile natural products available, and there are a variety of different ways that you can enjoy it.

While the traditional method of enjoying weed was smoking it in a joint, blunt, pipe, or bong, we’re lucky enough to be living in a time where there’s a new method, vaping.

In the following article, we’re going to take a look at vaping weed, why so many people are switching to vaping, and how the vaping process works. If you have ever wanted to learn more about vaping weed, then keep reading, and we’ll cover everything that you need to know about vaping weed!

What Is Vaping and How Does It Work?

Dry herb vaping involves using an electronic vaporizer to heat your dry herbs to the specific point that the cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are released, but below the point of combustion. This is an important part of vaping and one of the most significant reasons why people choose vaping over smoking.

Because you’re heating the cannabinoids to an optimal temperature, you’re releasing the cannabinoids without burning the plant material. This means that you’re avoiding many of the carcinogens which can be found in weed smoke. While smoking weed isn’t as inherently unhealthy as smoking cigarettes, you’re still inhaling carcinogens into your lungs, where they make their way into your bloodstream.

When you place your dry herb into the chamber on the vaporizer, the heat from the vaporizer heats the dry herb, releasing the cannabinoids into a fine vapor. This vapor is then inhaled via the mouthpiece of the vaporizer. After you’re finished, the dry herb is brown and starts tasting like burnt popcorn. It can then be discarded.

What Are Some of the Benefits of Vaping?

One of the biggest benefits of vaping dry herb over smoking is that you’re avoiding many of the carcinogens which are released when cannabis is burnt or ignited. Many experts believe that vaping could potentially be a safer alternative to smoking weed using traditional methods.

Another benefit to vaping over smoking weed is that you’re going to get more bang for your buck. When you burn cannabis, a lot of the cannabinoids are destroyed during the process, which is a huge waste of weed. Vaping, on the other hand, offers a more consistent and precise heating method. When you’re vaping rather than smoking, you’re getting the maximum levels of cannabinoids out of your weed.

How Do I Choose A Vaporizer That Suits Me?

There are a variety of different vaporizers and vaping kits available to enjoy your favorite strains of weed. Ultimately, the vaporizer or vaping kit that you choose will depend a lot on how much experience you have and what your budget is.

The great news is that there are a variety of different vaporizers available, and the prices truly are affordable. This is especially true if you look at the purchase of your first vaporizer as an investment in your health and happiness. The more that you spend on your vaporizer, the more advanced features you’re going to get, and the more you’ll enjoy your vaping experience.


The benefits of vaping dry herb are many and worth exploring. This is true whether you enjoy cannabis recreationally or medicinally. We are firm believers in the benefits of vaping dry herb and is also one of the main reasons for starting this company. There are many options out there when it comes to vaporizers and the staff here at Asa Joint are here to help. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll do our best to answer your questions. And remember; don’t smoke tea, vape weed instead!

about author

Jesse East


Jesse East is an entrepreneur and graphic designer with over a decade of design experience. Asa Journal is the result of his experience and desire to create something new. After graduating from The University of Northern Colorado, Jesse taught English in South Korea where he traveled and gained an appreciation for Asian cultures.